sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015


Christmas is coming and everybody start preparing all the decoration: christmas tree, light of many colours, sweets and many parties.

Personally speaking I like this party for all these reason and also because it is time to share good moments with your family and friends like the specials dinners of Christmas Eve and New Year Eve  while you are waiting the new year eating grapes. I enjoy putting the ornamentation in the hose, on the Christmas's tree and help with the dinner.

However nowadays I can see this tradition is dissapearing , what i want to mean is that Christmas is losing its really meaning, today it has got a commercial sense, people just buy food and ornamentation because everybody do that too. Also teenagers prefer to spend all these parties going out to the disco cause they consider it funnier

Since my viewpoint I do not consoder boring stand by my family during Chistmas, I think people should remember what is the meaning of these celebrations and independently you are christian or not, they could apreciate more the moments with their family, at least it is what means to me

Village or City

What would you perfer, living in a village or in a city? Of course it depend of your tastes, but there arte some people that really matter where they want to live, for reasons such as the environment, people and comfort between others. It is reasonable they have these preferences, at the end of the day it is the place where the are going to stay for a long time or forever, so they want to feel comfortable. Even the place where you live mark your attitude.

On the first place the environment has a great difference between village and city. In one hand city's environment is very polluted due to the constantly traffic, even there are city so polluted and contaminated that the sky get grey and it looks like the weather was cloudy because of the contamination, also the citiziens do not live longer, one example of this cities could be London and Shangai, in the last one the level of contamination is so higher that people just live arond forty seven years. On the other hand villages have a clean atmosphere, the urbanization is not high, you can breathe pure air instead of the city's air and compared to cities villages are quieter , cities are crowded and full of people while in villages you can hardly see a person  like Nordinlguen, in Baviera.

Moreover there are the people, in cities people usually is less close ,when you walk through the streets or the Great Way you only see each other like stranges you hardy know anyone and it is naturally because city is very big and it is practically impossible to know everyone. However people in villages use to be closer and friendly, you share a lot of moments with them, you speak constantly with them, do activities together, they get together also in the village's parties specially village's people have a close relationship with neighbours.

Living in a city or a village could be really important to some persons due to the environment , people and comfort are not the same. In my opinion I would prefer to live in a village because I am a very quiet person, I could not understand the constantly noise of the city and pollution . I think thaytno one wants to live in a place where they feel uncomfortable. At the end of the day it influence to your attitude and personallity

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

Making an introduction and conclusion of an outline


Many people have a pet nowadays, everyone loves it ,they have animal variesty even snakes.But , did you know of all these pets having a dog may be the most healthy.? Several studies and phycologists  have shown people who have dogs improve their lives mentaly, physicaly and even they can make your social life improves.


Clearly a dog can be the best option if you want to make a bit better your life, they help you thanks to them you are much happier,its own presence can avoid many deseases and you share funny moments with them. If you want a loyal friend whose presence cheer you up and be good for you in the all areas, you should choose a dog.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Curiosities about Japan

Japan is a country for what a lot of people in Spain feel curiosity , many people say they want to live in Japan instead of Spain without knowing anything about this country , but recently I looked for information about japanese customs, some of them liked me while others not , these are a few curiosisties I found:
Firt of all they are very quiet ,for example different fron Spain in Japan is forbbiden using telephones on buses and trains ,they use it ,of course,but they do not use it to not annoy.
They are very tidied and they always do queues for everything and respect them , even when they are walking in the street do queues
Japaneses love animals but they are busy so there is a place where you can adopt a pet and go with it to a restaurant for pets and humans and eat with them, I think this is a bit weird.
Smoking is completely forbbiden in Japan.
Japan is one of the most clean countries in the world ,related to hygiene japaneses are very strict for exampe in schools and high schools the own students and teachers clean the classroom by themselves, if they are ill they wear masks to not infect other people even the are new toilets cleanner that clean you
Japaneses are the most supestitious people in the world also, for example they suffer a phobia called tetraphobia which consist in the belief that the number four gives you bad lucky this due to the words in japanese death(shi) and four(sí) are similar ,this may be a bit funny because there is not fourth floors in japanese hospitals.
I think Japan is a curious country whose customs are very particular maybe too strange but we cold adopt other .

Let me tell you about one of my favourite painters and one of the best mens of the world, Michelangelo Buonarroti. I admire this man because of the talent he had , the hability of made scultures so wonderful and his controversial style.
Michelangelo was born in Florence around the fifteenth century since he was a child he wanted to be a sculptor but unfortunatelly his father was not agree with this,but although all the difficulties he had , Michelangelo became not only a sculptor ,but also painter and architect for this reason was named the universal man of the italian Renaissance.
His technic making art was so famous that even the Pope Giulio II, known for being a patron, called him to work at the Vatican, although this Michelangelo had a very strong personallity what made him fell out with the Pople many times , the worst fight they had was when Giulio II forcerd him to paint the Sistine Chapel , Michelangelo did not feel like a painter he only wanted to make sculptures.
Nowaday he is recognised as a important figure of the art, many holiday markets travell to Italy just for see his work some of the most important works of  Michelangelo are : The David , Sistine Chapel's  ceiling, Moses of the tombm of Giulio II, Vatican pietá.
Personally speaking all these works are amazing and left you speechless.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

Outlining an Essay

I. Having a pet dog can apport you a lot of positive beneficts for your physical health and your emotional health also.

II. Physical health
A. Dogs usually need continous walks around cities and villages,so on this way you too make some exercise
B. It is said their saliva has got healing properties

III.Emotional health
A. They makes  you to be more positive and optimist
B. They can cheer up depressed people
C. Many doctors suggest having a dog for those who suffer stranges syndromes

IV. Therefore, if you are looking for a good and loyal friends whose presence help you so much then clearly a pet dog is the better choice